A Confession, a Declaration:
There have been a lot of changes in my life as of late, exciting and frightening. Fortunately, there has also been a lot of changing (think / act). But I know this is only the beginning, I am a Taurus after all. So far I've discovered one thing with unwavering certainty - If I'm going to make it through and be successful in this (whatever IT is), then I need a refuge of inspiration and happiness, smiles, glitter, goofiness, and love. Lots of love.
What am I talking about?
I'm not really sure yet. I can only say that I've got some major changes to make in my life (job, place of living, etc)...fork (or many forks) in the road if you will. While trying to figure out how to even begin organizing those "forks" I've been more and more drawn to the blogosphere after discovering that in many things - I am not alone. Let's be honest, as people we have to deal with some really crappy stuff and it can be hard. Ok yeah, sometimes easy, but sometimes really, really hard. There's so many great people out there sharing those experiences, how they've dealt with something, been affected, been inspired.
After graduating college I sort of forgot slash sort of ignored that I was supposed to be "figuring it out," whatever that means. But after spending a year thinking - "What am I doing? I have no freaking clue what I'm doing or want to do, or where or that I even want to be doing something at all. Huh?" I realized that I was trying to figure out what it was that other people wanted me to figure out. As you can imagine (or maybe know?) chaos took hold as it does for many people, if in different ways. Ignoring a whole year of true 'feeling' and 'thinking' is pretty crazy as it turns out. I finally realized I was answering "I don't know, I don't know" to ever question, not just "What are you going to do when you graduate/with your degree/with your life?" but to stupid questions like "What do you want for dinner/ to do today/ wear today?" Saying "I don't know" became the easiest lie to myself. A cheap out and an easy way to ignore myself. I was ashamed or embarrassed to admit it but I had lost "me." It was time for some tough love. My first and main goal has been to start allowing myself to think, feel, act, be, whatever I decide because to do otherwise is denying myself the basic right of self. No more of that.
So, I came back to my sanctuary - the mountains where I was born, to seek truth, power, adventure and whatever else! Hopefully soon I can share the most inspiring blogs I've found (maybe you have some good ones?!) because they really have been just that - inspiring.
Well there it is. My confession. Now, a declaration.
I declare that I am Natalie. I sometimes have blue eyes and right now I have blue hair. I love random things and I love to laugh at random things, sometimes sarcastic things. I collect, I read, I seek. I'm filled with wanderlust. I will learn to be honest with myself and by doing so, learn to love myself again. I will stop saying I don't know. I will surround myself with love and good things. Funny things.
This blog is my little sphere of pure delight; a place to come to, where I can be uninhibited, that is filled with all these confessions and declarations - celebrating and embracing the weirdness that is me. Celebrating and embracing all I can while I figure out the real answer to all those questions. Today I want to smile about this outfit, tomorrow, who knows. Maybe we can share an experience or two!
TL;DR - Life is weird so I'm startin' a blog! WOOT! LETS DO THIS!

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