Life lately has been a fairly good balance of working hard and playing hard. My new summer schedule is underway and I'll still be adjusting over this week but it's been working out so far. I recently had a birthday and today my special present came! So, in celebration, and because it's Saturday, and because it was absolutely gorgeous out AGAIN, and because we both had the day off...we set out to test the new pack, to Carkeek Park! This park has great beach access but this time we took the South Ridge Trail to the South Bluff Trail for an amazing view of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. The woods are vibrantly lush and knee high grasses are thriving under the tall tree canopy, which tickled us with fluttering leaves and it felt like if I twirled fast enough in this magical green place I could fly away with the leaves too.
At the end we laid in the grass and laughed at the daisies.
This picture doesn't really look like anything but lots of green and a leaning tree. But it's really domino trees! We actually heard these two leaning trees, creaking loudly with the wind, before we came across them and I bet they don't last much longer, especially if we do end up having some stormy weather soon. I definitely want to go back and check soon! Other things of note on the walk: an occasional burst of rhododendrons (and/or azelias?!), heavenly smelling lilacs, the sun on the Sound, a big brown slug, some freaky trees, and the wandering path - I love coming into a clearing and looking back into the wild, before heading into it again.
Happy Adventuring!
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