Monday, January 28, 2013

The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award

A few weeks ago Enid Twiglet nominated me for a Liebster Award (Thank you Enid Twiglet!) which was such a pleasant surprise even though I technically didn't know what it was. After looking it up I found out that Liebster can be roughly translated to 'sweetheart.' Ok awesome, so the sweetheart award, or survey rather, just a fun get to know you! Yay!

The rules for the award are:

1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger who nominated you left
3. Ask 11 new questions for those you nominate
4. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog

11 Totally Random Fun Facts About Me:

1. I have been to 22 National Parks so far; I don't have a specific numeral goal but that number WILL increase over time!
2. I absolutely love pickles! Pickles, olives and pickled things (like pickled okra!) are my favorite 'snack without ruining your dinner' snack.
3. I'm definitely a collector of the strange, unusual and random. I say collector, others might say borderline hoarder...
4. I love sports - watching and playing, and I especially love inventing new games to play around with.
5. I harbor deep fantasies of living off the grid in a treehouse or a cobb house - maybe it'll be a cobb treehouse!
6. I am an artist in the sense that I live to create - however, I do not actually possess any consistent artistic abilities!
7. I do not particularly care for eggplant. It's one of the only things I really don't like eating - that and the gross lettuce that looks like moss in "mixed greens" EW!
8. The DLK, my first real job, made the absolute, hands down, best breakfast burrito I have ever eaten ever. To this day no breakfast burrito has ever come close, but still I search.
9. I really do wish for world peace.
10. I have a purple couch. I love it.
11. My hair is currently the longest it has ever been, and now I want to cut it all off!

Enid Twiglet's questions for me:

1. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life what would it be?
Blue. It's my standby favorite, always there when I'm over yellow and red isn't speaking to me. I'll grow old with Blue.

2. If you could go back in time and offer advice to the 15 year old you what would you say?
Keep being strong and hold true to what you believe in. Practice open communication and love in every aspect, expand your mind and forget the rest.

3. Who inspires you the most?
Mother Nature and all she has to offer!

4. If you could have a theme song to your life what would it be?
The Gummi Bears theme song!, definitely.

5. Did you have an imaginary friend/pet when you were little and if so what was their name?
Strangely, no. I pretty much pretended I was Ayla or Sacagawea on my own expedition if I was playing outside by myself, otherwise solitary acts would have been lots of reading.

6. What is the one talent you don’t have but really wish you did?
Holmes' talent of deduction.

7. What did you want to be when you grew up and are you doing it/still want to do it?
I wanted to be a teacher, and that's more or less what I went to school for. I'm not sure I want to be one now.

8. If you could experience being any kind of animal for one day what would you be?
Definitely a bird because of what they are able to see, incredible views and remote locations...aaaaand probably a Bald Eagle. Cause hello, badass.
9. If you could conquer one of your fears what would it be?
Scuba diving. And its not the diving part, it's the deep water part. 

10. If you could turn your life story so far into a book what genre would it be?
Ooo! Experimental fiction if it could be written by Michael Onadaatje or just regular fiction but hilarious and strange written by Christopher Moore.

11. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
Almost nothing can compare to a cozy, rainy day in with books and tea and fuzzy socks. Nothing except a bright, warm sunny day! I like rainy days, but I think I love sunny days. : D

My Questions:

1.You get to work only to find out that you've been given the day off - now, what do you do?
2. What was your favorite book as a child?
3. Would you ever/have you ever done something extreme like bungee jump or sky dive?
4. Name 3 songs that you are loving right now.
5. What is one indulgence that you keep secret, just for you?
6. Have you ever pulled off a successful prank?
7. What's your birthstone and/or birthday flower?
8. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have?
9. How do you like your getaways? Beach, mountain, big city, etc.
10. Have you ever wanted to change your name?
11. If you could suspend time for 1 hour every morning - how would you use that hour?

I nominate:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Good Riddance Rant, and A Welcome New Year!!!

You know when it feels like your getting the short end of the stick, over and over and over? And when it feels like the last ounce of bad luck HAD to have been used up but it just keeps on coming, and you can't even cry anymore because now life is just utterly hysterical?! The last few months of 2012 were a whirlwind and I am glad to have left them behind! Good riddance 2012! While there were definitely some good times to remember over the past year, the past 3 months have certainly been trying and I am so glad to be moving on now.

The great news is that I am currently writing from my new new apartment in Seattle! Wait, new new? As in, not the new apartment that I just moved into a few months ago?! Yeeeeah.....It turns out the new apartment was NOT in livable condition although this was not brought to our attention until AFTER we moved in. The problem was supposed to be fixed, while we drove all the way back to California to retrieve our 'things,' but alas it was not. So great, we have to move. Again. The annoyance here is that when you spend a bunch of time and money moving (and do not have anymore time or money), the last thing one expects is to repeat the process immediately - this isn't shampoo people! Between work stress (I swore I would never work more than 12 days in a row again...what happened?!?!) and holiday stress, the last thing you want to add on top is house stress. It just doesn't feel good! There was a moment (or two) where I wanted to throw in the towel and just go back to California because it actually seemed easier but thanks to our families, our new friends here in Seattle and old friends at home we stuck it out and I have to say, I'm pretty excited for 2013!!!

The highlight of the holiday season for me was definitely New Years because it's been a good number of years since I was actually available to do something fun! And fun it was! We ended up dancing in the New Year at the Paramount (our first Seattle venue!) for the Beats Antique show along with some amazing friends that I'm so glad to have met! Happy New Year!

A few down and dirty shots (meaning quickly and badly taken!) of my Christmas day and New Years Eve ensembles!

My Christmas outfit was a last minute frenzy of anything remotely snowflake necklace, skiing geese, red cardigan, gold polka dot tights, a quicky DIY set of earrings, and present ribbons - yeah, tooootally works!

My New Years eve outfit was intentionally as sparkly as I could make it! At the last minute we decided to make fascinators although mine kind of became something else! I wore a sparkle feather crown of my own devising, a FABULOUS faux fur coat over a sequined skirt and beaded shirt, blue sparkle tights and silk flats. Sounds crazy but it all ended up coming together, making me deliciously happy : )

Here's to a WONDERFUL and HAPPY New Year!!