Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Walk That Lead to the Library

On this particular afternoon we went for a little stroll through fall and finally went down to our local library branch to get some library cards! Yea, I get excited about library cards. Cooler weather is definitely here, sharp on your nose and crisp in your lungs. I broke down and thrifted a couple fall/winter pieces since I really do need some warmer clothes! Welcome to the gang, new-to-me sweater!
I've been looking for THE pair of boots for years now, literally YEARS. Still with no luck. I want to 'invest' (aka spend more than I've ever spent of shoes) on a good pair of boots, but if I do that, they have to meet all of my criteria. Plus, I have a hard time shopping for shoes since my size is odd and usually goes out of stock right away - especially with boots. Long ago I gave up the dream of my perfect boots although I still go on searching, but these boots are probably the closest I've come! Even though they are pretty cheaply made and definitely wont last as long as a good pair of boots they were literally cheap - about 25 bucks!
I bought this sweater mostly because big wool sweaters are not something I have a lot of (any of?) and wanted to try them out. I really like the baggy sweater type layering but never felt like it suited my body shape. I've never been super comfortable in sweaters but since I've been working on body acceptance I was ready to try them out, and you really can't beat the warmth from a big wool sweater.

One of my best girlfriends gave me this empty pendant, I don't know the proper term - shadowbox?! It opens and the contents can be changed! I found this mini feather on the beach by my old house so that's what's currently inside mine, inside hers you'll usually find lichen! I wanted to wear it but found out I did not have a chain that would fit around the bulk of the sweater...so...I craft-macgyvered it and used my wrap bracelet! Feelin' pretty clever on this one kids! 
I had no idea what to do with my hair but I wanted to do something with it...apparently this is that something. After walking back from the library with armfuls of books I realized that with my glasses, sweater and braids I somehow, without even planning it, channeled a "library" outfit. Can't wait to dig into some books, what have you been reading lately?!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Volcom Rose

I fell in love with this shirt mostly because of the pattern which kept shouting to me from the sale rack. They look like like flowers but not at the same time, sort of a jumble of abstract flowers and leaves. I'm kind of at a loss on how to style it since it's not normally the type of shirt that I buy but then I realized that I should buy it for that very reason, as a challenge to myself. Its got an open neckline and the sleeves are tight at the bottom but sort of billow at the top, I just wear it with the sleeves pulled up. We may still be in that awkward new love phase but I still love it, it's just so darn comfy! 
So this is like the third or fourth posted outfit with flowers and stripes. I think I may have a problem. 
Both of these earrings were gifts, as most of my 'nice' jewelry tends to be. The second pair which is a little hidden were a gift from my sister and I love them! They are very simple, just a vertical piece of wood with a small green stone on the top but I can't stop wearing them! I love the second pair because it's a very funky, 'me' take on the classic pearl earring stud. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Candy Stripes

I guess the rain is finally here or what everyone keeps telling me, dreary weather for the next 6-9 months. But honestly, it doesn't seem so bad. I decided that on the days it looks extra grey out, I'll just pop on some crazy colors. So thats exactly what I did. All day look I kept looking down at my colorful tights and just smiling! Bonus - they're super warm!

Once I had these tights on, I knew I wanted to whole outfit to just be fun. What's more fun than polka dots, octopi and hot pink rhinestone earrings?! Even if it ended up being a weird combination, I still had fun all day in the dreary-ness! I karate kicked my candy legs all day! Hiii-yah!
 I think the biggest challenge for me still is the severe lack of appropriate clothes! Oh coats, hats and scarves I miss you! I did buy this pair of tights and some warm socks so that should keep it going for a while but there's only so many times one can layer summer clothes... eventually you just have to face the fact that they are indeed meant for summer, duh. And rain boots! I'd really like a pair of rain boots, otherwise I'll have to start wearing my hiking boots with these tights and dresses...ooh yeah, hawt. Yup, that might happen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall Fever

Gourd Ombre
Is there such a thing as Fall overload? Definitely not! I for one am not sick of seeing Fall fever all around and even in the blogosphere. I'm having some serious Fall butterflies in my tummy, I'm just so in love! I've been missing Fall from my life for a couple years now so everyday I'm giddy to just see it everywhere around me! Normally I decorate and that's my inside Fall but this year it's reversed with TONS of Fall outside and I actually haven't been able to decorate at all. This of course makes me a bit little sad, but at least I can step outside and see real Fall decorating for me. Of course Pinterest is giving me serious Fall envy but at least if I can't actually do it I can want to do it, haha! So here are some of my favorite Fall decoration inspirations!
Front Porch Halloween Decorations

Friday, October 12, 2012

Roses in Fall

I love moving and becoming acquainted with a new area and the intimate relationship that is formed from exploring your new neighborhood. I find it's best as a slow process, often in short bursts, only taken in one direction at a time. One hour here, a few there - today we will walk only North and find out what lies there! Shortcuts here, hidden stairs there, everyday something new to add onto the mental map of my new neighborhood. On one such recent exploration we discovered that we are super close to the zoo! And, the Zoo has an incredible Rose Garden, totally free! 
I never plan on going to a rose garden, but somehow I always find a way there. I don't particularly like roses, they're difficult to grow and way to expensive. But I'm always surprised at how much I enjoy walking through them. Somehow all the roses, all together, they just take over your senses and everything just sort of becomes lovely. I'm always blown away by the variety and the colors, I feel like I see a new one each time. It's as if breathing in the perfumed halos surrounding each bush temporarily get you rosey high.
The most exciting part of this walk was the discovery of the Sensory Garden! Each plant had a unique characteristic  to convey through one of your senes. We stopped at each plant, sniffing, feeling, or marveling. The educational walkthrough is fascinating, bringing a huge variety of sensory flora with labels like 'textural interest.'
I'm definitely so glad to have found both gardens! Since they are so close I'm excited to visit often and watch the fall changes in the garden and along the walk. Fall is really when I like to walk with no purpose. I get giddy over each changing tree and each unique leaf changing in its own pattern, I have to stop and examine each leaf, see it veins, colors etc. Although it lasted hardly a few hours I felt happy to celebrate the fact that I'm learning to relax and and really appreciate the small moments. Cheesy Sunset Story in 1 Run-on: Walking along the top of a hill, the sun was setting, casting amazing sun love glow (yea thats a real time of day) and the clouds were still dark and heavy, waiting, but earlier rain had cleared the air and across the gleaming canal is a hillside speckled with houses and bursts of fall, yellow, orange, red, gold coming to a point at Salmon Bay, beyond is the Sound and beyond that, the sharp Olympic range swallowing the sun. It was just like, yea, I think I'll just stand here a minute.    

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Something About Stripes and Florals

I'm really loving my new job because for the first time in a looong time I can actually wear whatever I want to work. Working in food there are definitely things you do not wear to work, or at least I didn't considering the shenanigans that befell my 'normal' workday.
I'm also really enjoying drawing inspiration and energy from work - it's definitely helped me be a little more outgoing and relaxed and in turn I'm having tons of fun just being silly and free with my wardrobe. Recently my personal goal has been to not wear my one pair of jeans. My hagard, torn, perma-dirty MoWo jeans that lived just as much as I did this summer. But I have to face the facts, they are getting pretty sad. Also, have you ever experienced your jeans deteriorating on the inside thighs, just under the crotch region? Friction they say. Chub rub I say. That's when I know it's time to retire my pair. 
Shoes, leggings and tank top - all from Target. Dress - thrifted. Cardigan - CottonOn. This necklace is probably my 'signature piece' haha, since I wear it all the time, but it does literally symbolize my last name. The charms were a gift from my Dad ages ago and I accidentally broke the chain while hiking on the trip. Not wanting to lose the charms I attached them to the other necklace I was wearing and liked it so much that I never 'fixed' either necklace. The pearly string necklace was a handmade gift from my, sort of, great Aunt. 
The new apartment is pretty dismal save for the surviving plants, the trunks, a few books and the laundry baskets filled with miscellany. It's not easy to decorate with camping stuff seeing as a tarp on the walls or floor may give off the wrong idea. So, I just had to buy this lil mini rug at the dollar store so we could have something bright and happy. Hopefully soon we'll go get our stuff in storage and this little place will be filled to the brim with all my junk and happy things. Dear bed, I miss you. I think of you often. Like when I'm going to bed. Without you. Fondly, Me. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Burgundy & Florals

Fall is so easily loveable! Adding layers, bundling up, and savoring every little sliver of sun before winter grey sets in. And the colors! Oh the colors! So rich and warm! As the days are becoming shorter  I am definitely missing my cooler weather wardrobe back in California, especially all my gloves and scarves! Layering will be my biggest challenge until I can go pick up my things in storage.
I love this jacket. It's half sweatshirt and half jacket. I'd call it a lightweight jacket since it can't really withstand the evil bitch that is nature in the winter (wind, rain, snow, etc.) but it does keep you super warm otherwise. Also it has lots of pockets and a b.a.m.f'in hood too. It was an awesome gift some winters back from my amazing sister <3 who always picks out the greatest pieces and it's Volcolm (one of my absolute favorites). Yeah, I love this jacket. Little things right?
I saved this shirt from its depression at Target where it was cast into the sale rack because it had lost its  belt. It's light, it's flowy, and I have a soft spot for florals. Especially florals on sale. For a brief moment getting dressed I thought, can I layer a burgundy skirt with burgundy leggings? Then slapped myself because yes, obviously I had just physically done that. 

Ignore the fact that my nails are hot pink and sparkly. I needed that little extra 'spoonful of sparkle' (ha) to get through some stuff. If I can look down at my nails and somehow keep pushing, then nails it is. Rule #32, remember. One thing you may notice here, my nails are usually more my mood than anything else and therefore will clash often - I wish I had the stylish nail talents of Elycia and Kaylah!

This is one of my favorite and most worn necklaces that I bought years ago by complete chance. I was dragged into some store I'd never shopped at - calm down, not like that - just in that is was all petites or all old lady bras or something. Someone else had brought me into the store for something so I casually perused the sales rack (you'll hear this a lot!) and there it was! A whole stack of them at the very bottom, super reduced because clearly they had not sold. It was cheap necklace love. 

A jacket, a necklace - can I gush about shoes too?! All I will say is that I picked up these shoes from a friend right before leaving and even though they are not my size, they were completely free and are so amazingly cozy.
Happy Fall!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What I Wore - Soft Stripes

I forgot how much I love skirts! They are so easy and instantly make me feel like twirling when I put them on. I hadn't worn skirts in so long but somehow this summer I ended up with several different kinds and they're just so fun. I've subconsciously made some goals to 1) wear more skirts (and dresses? eeks!) and 2) learn how to style skirts better and 3) learn how to wear skirts even in the winter! I find that although I really love wearing skirts, sometimes I don't feel comfortable wearing them, at work for example. I can't tell if this is because I'm actually uncomfortable or if I'm most confortable in my everyday workwear. If the latter is true, and I have a feeling it is, then it's time to challenge myself a little more. Style is usually something I give up on right away instead of just pushing myself to break through, like I try to do with most other things. I'll keep working on that.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Paying It Forward

Sending and receiving mail is one of the easiest ways to bring sunshine into your day and someone else's! I saw this idea for paying it forward over on Karen's blog, The Quiet Owl, and thought it was super neat! Although I don't even have 3 readers, I've decided to join up anyways since I have 3 letters to respond to myself. I'll post the formal rules and my own personal rule/goal. Here are the details...

My Goals:
.By the end of October send out 3 unique packages to my friends back home
.Include a hand made card or item
.Send thanks where thanks is deserved

Ok, I made my goals pretty easy. But starting small means they are more manageable and will probably actually get done! : D

The 'Official' Rules:
.The first three people to comment on this post will receive a little gift - something personal from me to you.
.Within a year (but I will do this much sooner) I'll create something unique to share with the first three people to comment on this post.
.In order to receive your present you have to play along by spreading the love on your own blog and promising to send a little special something to the first three people who comment on your post.
.You get 72 hours to re-post, or I'll have to move on to the next person.
.Please only comment if you're willing to pay it forward.
If you want to receive something unique and self-made from me in the mail and if you are willing to do the same for others, leave a comment below! Please leave your email address so that I can contact you directly! And blog URL so that I and others can visit your blog! If you are not one of the first three, you can post this on your blog anyways!

Also, in case you were wondering what exactly the picture above is...its my car door handle with a little gift that a friend left for me to find. So simple, yet so happy.