Friday, March 29, 2013

A Lesson in Reed Making

While I was in Arizona I got to help my friend while she made some of her reeds. Technically I helped process the cane while she shaped it, and that was only the first stage! Even though I wasn't very good at it, the process was really neat so I felt compelled to document it. The photo above is only a half finished reed but you can see its begun to take shape.
Cane soaking beforehand

Fitting the cane onto the barrel
The Profiler - let's do this!

Precise incisions are made

Then, we shave!

Shaving the cane down
Sliming the cane on the shaper


  1. nice;)
    would you like to follow each oher?

  2. Waaah this is too freaking cool. I always wondered how they made the reeds, I bet it's really meticulous work since the reeds are so fragile as well.

    1. Definitely a lot of work! The good thing about processing the cane is that it's actually really strong, I was actually too gentle trying to shave it and my friend was like, let me show you how its done haha!


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