I recently had a short jaunt down to visit my bff in Pheonix, Arizona. The trip, although too short, was awesome! I love that she gave me a tour of her campus, not only because there is some awesome flw-ness going on but because the campus was totally inspiring!
ASU Gammage, the building in these first 4 images, is a performance hall and one of the final designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Below is what I am calling the cake building, and the adjacent Art Museum. I was giddy photographing all of the geometric shapes, patterns and angles that played with and off of the buildings.
I took sooo many cacti photographs! The landscaping in Az follows a general theme and I have to say I quite like all the simple rock & cacti designs. I was originally just playing with the shadows from the cactus flower but then I noticed the gorgeous coloring - rose, sage, yellow, blues and purples all meshed together like a living watercolor.

I found these two palettes that have some of my cactus hues, actually they are basically the same palettes but different shades. I have a lot of these colors already in my house...but then I also think I have a lot of every color in my house. On a side note, I love design seeds - if you want to get lost in color for an hour, browse their website!
My one thought after viewing these photos (which are really awesome by the way), "Well my campus sucks..." haha. It looks so warm and sunny there too.