Summer is defnintely on! We finally had our first guest out to the PNW and we all decided to go to Olympic National Park for some much needed adventure! It was amazing. We spent the first afternoon hiking in the Hoh Rainforest and hung out on the river all evening hunting elk tracks.

Totally crossed this log ^^^ and only had a mild heart attack. One of our party actually forded the river which was impressive - IT'S FREEZING! The river beds are fun to explore, as the water levels recede it reveals sand pits and fun little worlds. Here a new river is rising, a moss river!

When I'm camping or hiking I like to leave a rock tower or pile or something - something to inconspicuously mark that connection you have made with where you are and what is surrounding you. After I made my tower, I was super excited to come across these two markings left by someone else! They were very 'Andy Goldsworthy' so I couldn't pass them by!
Hoh Rainforest Rundown:
Camping - This is a great place to camp especially if your arriving later in the day, but don't plan on getting a waterfront spot, those usually go first! I've now camped at the Hoh Campground twice; all campsites are in old growth forest. The A loop has larger, more open spots great for multiple tents and also better river access, the B loop has smaller, more secluded spots - by this I mean your totally surrounded by ferns and moss covered trees (so it can be a little wet!). Definitely a great stopover.
Hikes - There are 3 rainforest walks at this location which total less than 3 miles round trip of easy hiking (hence why its easy to arrive later and leave early). Next time I'd like to tackle the Hoh River Trail, a 17.4 mile hike out to Glacier Meadows that begins here.
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