Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Out and About Adventure - Alki Beach

Tidepool! Anemone! Eee! I like tidepooling - and even though I've probably seen thousands of anemones, broken muscle shells, and barnacles I still enjoy them. Each pool is a unique world of which, for a moment, I am the all-seeing eye. I'll play with pool after pool after pool, because you never know if the next world will have something spectacular! A really good find, say an octopus, makes each pool worth it. Sometimes, it's just cool stuff to look at - like the colors of this anemone!
So, I'm mucking about in the tides..head down and all of a sudden I see a really dark seagull flying above - BALD EAGLE! I got really excited because I wasn't expecting to see him, plus this is the first bald eagle I've seen up here. I wish I had a better lens but it was cool to watch him surf the updrafts along the beach! 
I saw this crow flipping shells and cawing so I knew he found something good and I went to check it out. It looks like someone overturned the bigger rock on the left and the crow was right there to feast. I feel bad that this world basically just had an apocalypse but the crow sure didn't. Under one shell was about a dozen hiding crabs!   
There's at least three crabs in this picture, can you find them?!

Another thing I love about meandering the beach is taking time to observe the strange textures. I love how distorted and alien the beach landscape is, especially when it takes something familiar like the roots of a tree (below) and changes them.

Alright, what were you thinking in this picture? "I claim this laaand...for SPAIN."


  1. Waaah I've missed your last 3 posts. I really like how much life you can see in those tide pools. I like the Pacific ocean for that and the huge rocks, but the water was just too cold for me to handle even in July when I visited Oregon. I'm such a baby when it comes to water temperature.

    1. Don't worry, it's not you, it's the water! It's chilly chilly! I see people swim here in the Sound and I just can't imagine ever doing that! Too cold! Im from Northern California and people always assume its just all sunshine and sand but pretty much from NorCal up to Canada it's fairly rough beaches, wind and cooooold waters!


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