I look at style the same way I look at art - unique, inspiring, awkward, strange, ugly, beautiful, creative, expressive but most of all, FUN! When I was a kid I dressed myself and had absolutely zero fear about it. Sure there were times when people, or even friends, would snicker and ask what in the world I was wearing but if I wanted to wear a velvet party dress over some sweatpants with fairy wings on my back I just went ahead and did it and had way too much fun doing so to care what people said but what can I say, dressing up was fun! IS fun. Or should be.
I realized one day (fairly recently), when I was putting on the same pair of jeans and 1 of 5 weekly cycled t-shirts under a sweatshirt I've been wearing for over a decade, that a good percentage of my wardrobe was things I'd hadn't worn in long time, if ever, in fact most things still had tags on them - that ladies and gentleman, is a funk. Ok fine, I said, no jeans for a week - challenge accepted! I did it and I lived. Moreover I felt excited again at the possibility of shaking up my wardrobe.
So, when the time came to pack up my apartment and put it in storage, I put away those jeans, those beloved tees and 'broken in' (aka ripped to shreds) sweatshirts. I then faced a strange challenge, packing for a month long camping road trip as well as packing for future indefinite plans. I didn't have an extravagant wardrobe to begin with and now that 2/3s of it is packed away, what has followed thus far has been a fun experiment of my own personal style and remixing ability with the ultimate goal of pushing my boundaries and testing my imagination, wearing what I want because I want to. Sometimes it's plain and boring and sometimes it'll jump out from behind a bush and be like "KaPlow!" - I can live with that.

I love these shorts! They do get a little crinkled by the end of the day but they are light and airy and BLUE! I love jewelry and usually have on a crazy jumble of non matching this' and thats' but this is definitely my signature necklace - on the road trip I lost the chain so I improvised by putting the charms on a necklace I already had. I love funky, hence the blue revolver owl earrings.
Now that everything is in storage I'm constantly wishing I had __ or __ to add on. Over accessorizing?! Pshhh. No such thing. So here are some things that I shall forever drool over that I would love to wear with this outfit (