Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Paying It Forward

Sending and receiving mail is one of the easiest ways to bring sunshine into your day and someone else's! I saw this idea for paying it forward over on Karen's blog, The Quiet Owl, and thought it was super neat! Although I don't even have 3 readers, I've decided to join up anyways since I have 3 letters to respond to myself. I'll post the formal rules and my own personal rule/goal. Here are the details...

My Goals:
.By the end of October send out 3 unique packages to my friends back home
.Include a hand made card or item
.Send thanks where thanks is deserved

Ok, I made my goals pretty easy. But starting small means they are more manageable and will probably actually get done! : D

The 'Official' Rules:
.The first three people to comment on this post will receive a little gift - something personal from me to you.
.Within a year (but I will do this much sooner) I'll create something unique to share with the first three people to comment on this post.
.In order to receive your present you have to play along by spreading the love on your own blog and promising to send a little special something to the first three people who comment on your post.
.You get 72 hours to re-post, or I'll have to move on to the next person.
.Please only comment if you're willing to pay it forward.
If you want to receive something unique and self-made from me in the mail and if you are willing to do the same for others, leave a comment below! Please leave your email address so that I can contact you directly! And blog URL so that I and others can visit your blog! If you are not one of the first three, you can post this on your blog anyways!

Also, in case you were wondering what exactly the picture above is...its my car door handle with a little gift that a friend left for me to find. So simple, yet so happy.

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