I fell in love with this shirt mostly because of the pattern which kept shouting to me from the sale rack. They look like like flowers but not at the same time, sort of a jumble of abstract flowers and leaves. I'm kind of at a loss on how to style it since it's not normally the type of shirt that I buy but then I realized that I should buy it for that very reason, as a challenge to myself. Its got an open neckline and the sleeves are tight at the bottom but sort of billow at the top, I just wear it with the sleeves pulled up. We may still be in that awkward new love phase but I still love it, it's just so darn comfy! 

So this is like the third or fourth posted outfit with flowers and stripes. I think I may have a problem.

Both of these earrings were gifts, as most of my 'nice' jewelry tends to be. The second pair which is a little hidden were a gift from my sister and I love them! They are very simple, just a vertical piece of wood with a small green stone on the top but I can't stop wearing them! I love the second pair because it's a very funky, 'me' take on the classic pearl earring stud.
you look stunning !
As always, thank you for your comment Katie!