Sometimes life makes me really friggin' mad. That's putting it simply. For a happy distraction I wanted to post some neat pictures! I recently came across this installation series by french artist Mademoiselle Maurice and loved it. Rainbow origami geometric street art. That just sounds awesome! She's also a great photographer if you want to check her out ---> [
photos 1 & 2]
I love tangible art like this. Little bursts of absurdity, suddenly appearing one day on your normal route, special because you know it could be gone just as fast.
Two things about these origami installations immediately reminded me of one of my favorite artists, Andy Goldsworthy, the circles and the ephemeral materials. Goldsworthy is seriously amazing and his work is all about using with what he has, where he has it in an effort to understand nature through the cycle of change (hence the circles?!) - "movement, change, light, growth, and decay are the lifeblood of nature." Reading his statement was probably one of the only times I've actually understood an artists philosophy, haha. I absolutely love how visually arresting his work is, I recommend a google image search if you want to see more! I like that he describes his materials as not just "material itself, it is an opening into the processes of life within and around it. When I leave it, these processes continue."
Quotes and Images by Andy Goldsworthy (3&4) |
Madimoiselle Maurice may not use exactly the same materials per say but the idea is still there for me, just replaced in an urban setting. Within the urban context, I really like that she often uses big geometric shapes and found the artist, A Common Name, as a result of digging for some more secret street art installations. If you live in or around Los Angeles, you may see some - that is if your paying attention!
[A Common Name, Geode Street Art, Photos 4 & 5] |
I'm including these last two just because I'm thinking on the theme of circles, and because I really like these photographs by Denis Smith.
[Want to see more balls of light?!? ----> Photos 6 & 7] |
I was drawn into the ball of light series because how cool are those orbs?!?! When I began thinking about this whole post of photographs and the circular themes running through each different artist I really started seeing the balls of light as people (odd as that sounds!) just standing there, letting their light out. I want to be standing where that ball of light is! They represent to me the accomplishment of adventure, like finding the geode or origami art, which can be as simple as just being out and interacting with your surroundings.
When I started this post I was just trying to cheer myself up by sharing some pictures I like but I guess I started having a total school moment because now I can't help but make some connections with these photo groupings and why these images really resonated with me. Artist wise, it's almost an even split with two urban style females and two natural style males, but the main message I received from these groupings is the idea of venturing out and acting with and within the space around you, be that nature or city, and learning about the cycles of change through those interactions. I'm left with tons of questions (I shall apply the general 'you' if anyone also has questions...or answers!) which is ultimately the point of art I any of these images have you thinking critically?
How do you interact with your surroundings? Would you notice any of these pieces were you to encounter them in your daily routine? How do you identify the cycles in your own life? How do you affect change and how are you effected by change?