I've been looking for THE pair of boots for years now, literally YEARS. Still with no luck. I want to 'invest' (aka spend more than I've ever spent of shoes) on a good pair of boots, but if I do that, they have to meet all of my criteria. Plus, I have a hard time shopping for shoes since my size is odd and usually goes out of stock right away - especially with boots. Long ago I gave up the dream of my perfect boots although I still go on searching, but these boots are probably the closest I've come! Even though they are pretty cheaply made and definitely wont last as long as a good pair of boots they were literally cheap - about 25 bucks!

I bought this sweater mostly because big wool sweaters are not something I have a lot of (any of?) and wanted to try them out. I really like the baggy sweater type layering but never felt like it suited my body shape. I've never been super comfortable in sweaters but since I've been working on body acceptance I was ready to try them out, and you really can't beat the warmth from a big wool sweater.
One of my best girlfriends gave me this empty pendant, I don't know the proper term - shadowbox?! It opens and the contents can be changed! I found this mini feather on the beach by my old house so that's what's currently inside mine, inside hers you'll usually find lichen! I wanted to wear it but found out I did not have a chain that would fit around the bulk of the sweater...so...I craft-macgyvered it and used my wrap bracelet! Feelin' pretty clever on this one kids!